Your In-Game name:Doge
Offenders In-Game name:Rad561
Offenders Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:68233076
What server did this happen on?RP
What rules did the offender break?Im not sure if there are rules but. Killing me and taking money/drugs then dcing.
Coming back on alt to kill me and put me in jail because of my bounty then rejoining and selling the drugs so I could not get to him.
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:
<- Taking Drugs
<-- Taking Drugs
<-- Taking Drugs
<-- Taking Drugs
<-- Disconnecting (Also shows his alts name)
<-- Saying he went on his alt to get on and kill me because if I killed him on main he would lose drugs.
Other Comments:He is such a scumbag, I hope this is against the rules, and I hope he gets permenatly banned... I am really pissed off. I have had a grudge on this guy the hole day, earlier I was helping Imein reset vip doors that were buyable and he just walks up to me and says. Why did you take my drugs and then he shot me. Later he camps earths house kills me multiple times takes all my drugs when I finally kill him and put him in jail I have a bounty and he comes on, on an alt of his (Which he probably uses to hack ) and kills me, puts me in jail and then comes back on his main and sells my drugs... Just.. Fuck you.