Alright so something is bothering me extremely. I can understand if you kill someone in a raid, or you are mugging them or whatever. But when I just want to go to the bank to deposit the little bit of cash I made and then get killed for no reason, it seems unjust and unfair. I have thought of two possible choices to consider:
- Make a !friendly system
- Make rdming against the rules
I will now talk about both:
1.Make a !friendly system:
I have seen this system all across the board on rp servers. Heck, on Grand Theft Auto there is passive mode. I am not sure whether or not a !friendly script exists out there but at the same time I assume with the dev team you got here, it should be no problem making one. There is also hiring someone to make the script as an option. I suggest looking for people on scriptfodder. This passive "!friendly" system would make it so you may not kill other people, and other people cannot kill you. What if all I wanted was to buy large french fries? I walk to the store and get stabbed 5 times before hand and lose cash/drugs. What I am trying to bring across is that it should not take me 2 hours to do one benign thing. What if I made some good cash from selling something as a salesmen? Not many people play banker, so I would most likely have to commute to the bank. So on my way what happens most likely? I am sniped, gunned, mowed, or stabbed to death. Well that sure as heck made that whole thing a waste of time didn't it? Looking at the devils advocate side of things, yes it would be a wee bit imbalanced to allow drug growing and counterfeiting while being in this passive mode. I completely agree that is something that can be exploited and I know that is not what is best for the server. The best solution I can come up with for right now is to limit passive mode. Make it so it cannot be spammed. Its quite a big sounding project, I am aware but I feel that the no rdm rule can be an alternative, which is where I am headed next.
2,.Make rdming against the rules:
Looking at this side of the spectrum, it would logistically make more sense to consider/implicate this feature instead. Most servers on Garry's Mod DarkRP run on this policy and run fairly well. Admins manage the servers decently and rdms get reported. The way that makes sense and the way that seems fair to users all around, is that killing should only be done on raids, in self-defense, robberies/muggings, and any other justifiable circumstance that can be fairly handled if admin personnel get involved. It would be more work for the admins yes, but work keeps you guys entertained right? I know it certainly did for me when I had admined servers and owned servers in the past. The side seems to make a lot more sense and saves the task of doing heavy maintenance by adding a whole new script in to make it work properly.
Do I believe one of these options should be considered for implication? Absolutely. With the amount of time sitting on the server waiting patiently for money to print, drugs to grow, or simply your daily pay per hour to come in, I do not believe it is worth being killed by some inconsiderate person for no apparent reason. I am not asking you to make these rules, I am simply asking you to consider them.
Any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to respond. I want to hear feedback positive or negative.
Thanks for reading!