Jimmie, please take time to read all of my points and think about them thoroughly before replying. (If you reply at all)
Even if a "nerf" happened an economy reset should follow in my opinion. See if you just "nerf" it all, rich players won't give a damn, they already have all the money they could ever want and wouldn't need to buy anything that has already been buffed because they previously owned it. If a new player comes on it would be hard for them because they would have a 10k bank and barely anywhere else to go, even if the 10k's still existed they would have a very hard time getting up. Another point I'm going to make here is that if "rich" players heard that this was happening, they would stock up on weapons, locks, and anything else that was going to be buffed. When the map changed to City45 the house prices were already buffed, I think you only joined on city45 but the 20mil was only 5mil on AbuseMeCity, and I doubt the map will be changed after only a few months of playing on it.
[font=comic sans ms]-Sincerely Skittle[/font]