11 Months ago, June 10, 2015
Some 15 year old pleb made this... And it actually got accepted
The last line is true
I have been here for a year, and much more to come 🙂
[size=12pt]In-Game Name: 12 Sheckles a Meme :blarg:
Steam ID:[glow=pink,2,300]http://steamcommunity.com/id/AceVintage/
Age: [glow=purple,2,300]15 :jimmykid:
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? [glow=orange,2,300]Yes i do have a mic, Sure.
Days of the week you are available to play: Well u all know of my long vacation then finals next week. other than that. Near every day :pinkheart:
Current Hours In-Game on our server:[glow=purple,2,300]111 and counting
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: [glow=Olive,2,300]EST, New Jersey, USA
Past administrator experience, if any:[glow=blue,2,300] Ran 4 different Bukkit servers with friends, all at different times ofc. id die if it was at the same time I think I would have gone insane. I have also helped some friends out run their own private counterstrike server. During the UGC season 16 (A TF2 6v6 Match Thing.)(you can check my steam TF2 inventory and see the badge)I ran the server, sat out when my friend who moderated the game too make sure my team or the enemy team was not hacking during matches. Helped out fire up the server, config, and make sure the team coordinated and followed the rules. had a reckless team, but i was like the den mother lol. The Largest one of the minecraft servers i ran was 30 people on at one time. Pretty good for a small server that lasted a month.
Why do you want to become an admin and why should we pick you over other applicants? [glow=red,2,300][size=12pt] have high experience with the server, many of my hours (at least 80) are legit hours, the last 20 are from AFKing and such. I know how to help people out and i am extremely active on the forums. I know almost everyone on the server and i am kind to them, in return, they are kind to me! No matter who they are, I will uphold server law and punish lawbreakers accordingly, even if it goes as far as banning my friends and people I have made a special bond with. I may cherish said people but, rules are rules. Igive moral support to Myback and help out keep the server clean from people who steal the gallons of salt from jamals basement. I feel I have the aptitude to do what it takes to help out people whoever they are, how much salt content they have and keep the server happy to the best of my ability. i can excell as a cop and make sure others follow the rules and have a good time. I love this sevrer and i feel that it is a extension of my life, i hope i can see you all for months and even years to come. :blarg:
[size=18pt]Note: Purchased Teamspeak for my Phone, should be able to attend meetings if I get accepted, but that, all depends on the internet. Shouldn't be that bad though.