[font=arial]Hello everyone. I hope your days have been going well,
At the beginning of April marked the end of our map throwback event, where we had traveled from Westfield to our previously played maps to eventually City 45. It also marked the beginning of a gauge filled with suppressed feelings and emotions, fueled by a dangerous mistake we've made.
It was the first day of April, we had announced that a map change would occur the night of that date. Customary to our culture, we used April 1st as an opportunity to strike many 'April Fools' jokes. This, we had until just now realized, was a grave mistake. Due to our inability to setup City45 in time, we had decided to both extend the map until the next day at 8-10AM EST, and use the excuse as an April Fools joke.
We did know a large percentage of players had sold their homes by the time we had announced the delay until next morning for the map change. But what we did not come to understand was that everyone had, rather than going to sleep, re-bought their homes. Many players were and staff became quickly infuriated with our choice, as they had lost 10% of their home's cost. We will not argue the validity of the enraged player's claims, it is too late for that, we only post this to apologize sincerely for our actions that day.
It took over a month for us to understand the effects of our neglection to our people, unforeseen consequences have appeared as a result. We understand this is something we cannot undo. It is our punishment. We deserve it.
We again, hope you accept our sincere apology for our reckless decision that gloomy day. We appreciate you all and take you all for granted. We're here to repay our debts. Stay strong, rise up.
Thank you,
-Manager & lead developer, MyBack[/font]