How the heck do you get rid of "Raw Material ", everytime I try to get rid of it by dropping it, it says it's worth keeping, or using it, says something like probably shouldn't use (something like that) or give to someone, it says not to give away or something. So what's up...
"Raw Material"
you use it to make guns with a blue print
but i dont want to worry about it, and just give away
This mostly lies within the subject.
I used a blueprint thing and it took an AWP and Auto from me, and made "Raw Metal" without the AWP and Auto it still would've made "Raw Metal" I was wondering if I could get a refund on my AWP and AUTO, I believe it was a G3SG1.
They will be able to be dropped on next update.
Right now the plugin checks through your items top to bottom, autos and awp just happen to be at the top. I will make it more random and true to it's nature to absorb two completely random weapons from your inventory as well.