Doge wrote
Guys, May bae jamal made a case clicker and its awesome, its still a work in progress but be patient (THIS IS NOT ONLINE YOU ARE VERSUING BOTS)
Also. When you go the jackpots it will appear as if nobodys in but all you need to do is put in a skin and bots will start depositing.. (Site:
Anyways, the point of this post.. I was playing that case clicker. I got bored and decided to go in to a high pot with some shitty FAMAS skin, went in and WON A SHIT TON (5203.45 to be exact 😛) DAMMMN MY LUCK. I AM THE NEXT SKITTLE LMAO. I love this fake $$ Check this shit out!
10 seconds after this post. My click macro sold all of my skins... lmfao
CS:GO Unboxing and Gambling = Crack Dealing for beginners (and people not tryna get killed, arrested and molested)
Unbox some nice fine crack cooking utensils I prefer going to get a tiny crack kitchen set-up from Cosco: BUY 1 CRACK KITCHEN GET 40 DOLLARS OFF THE OTHER KITCHEN
1.) Lighter
2.) Glass Beaker
3.) Distilled Water
4.) Baking Soda
5.) Rubbing Alcohol
STEP 1: Mix four-parts of coke to one-part of baking soda
in glass beaker. (Yes, that IS a 4:1 ratio) I've done it
by eye & found it's good not to exceed a 3:1 ratio.
STEP 2:Begin adding a few drops of distilled water to the
mix, adding only enough to turn the powder into a
muddy sludge-like consistency. WARNING: Do NOT
add too much water or your coke will not harden up
in the cooling process.
Drench the cotton ball with rubbing alcohol in a
thick metal or ceramic dish. Add only enough to
completely saturate the ball.
1.) Mix four-parts of coke to one-part of baking soda
in glass beaker. (Yes, that IS a 4:1 ratio) I've done it
by eye & found it's good not to exceed a 3:1 ratio.
2.) Begin adding a few drops of distilled water to the
mix, adding only enough to turn the powder into a
muddy sludge-like consistency. WARNING: Do NOT
add too much water or your coke will not harden up
in the cooling process.
3.) Drench the cotton ball with rubbing alcohol in a
thick metal or ceramic dish. Add only enough to
completely saturate the ball.
1.) Use the lighter to ignite the alcohol in the cotton
2.) While the cotton ball is burning, heat the
coke-sludge by swirling the beaker above the tip of
the flame.
3.) Continue swirling until the substance comes to a
boil, then remove it from the flame to cool.
When your substance has cooled it should form a
clump of solid "rock-bubbles."
4.) Add more distilled water to the beaker, enough to
stand about 1/4 inch above the hardened bubbles.
5.) Re-heat the substance in the beaker. When
thoroughly heated you will see a yellow mass
floating in the center of the water as you continue to
swirl the beaker.
You don't need to boil it, just heat it up until the
hardened bubbles melt into a yellow coke-mass.
1.) Once melted, remove the substance from the
2.) Continue swirling the beaker, (trying to keep the
yellow coke-blob in the center as you swirl) until the
water in the beaker has completely cooled.
3.) You should now have a solid yellow rock tinkling
around in your glass beaker. Remove the rock and
cut to desired proportions.
4.) Enjoy!!!: -) OR
STEP 5.) Profit
What you can do is find a nice run down house full of junkies and sell your product BUT!
Hire a body guard before you go in or you will get killed possibly or robbed or maybe stranded naked in the middle of a desert
HE A BAD ASS Y'know?
He always packs a glock-18 with the 40 clip