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Westfield v1.5

Eight Years in the Making

Dear MoonShade Gaming community, it is with immense pleasure and boundless excitement that I, Mewn, announce the long-awaited update: rp_westfield v1.5! After eight years of incredible adventures, we are about to embark on a fresh chapter in MoonShade Gaming history.

This map update includes a revamped layout with new places to live and explore. A tsunami has swept away the lower end of the beach, including 3 of the 4 mansions. The last remaining mansion has been relocated to the top of the map, making it a one-of-a-kind. We thank our mappers of old and new for undertaking the task of making this revision possible, check out the radar for the credits!

Join us on an exciting journey as we transition into CS2 by venturing into the revamped world of Westfield 1.5. This enhanced version of the map offers a fresh and darker layout, capturing the essence of the final days of CSGO. As we build upon this solid foundation, we eagerly look forward to porting the map for a smooth transition to CS2. So, come and join us in CSGO while you still can!

Attached are some Screenshots of Westfield v1.5

And here is the radar

See you in the server soon! Reopening on June 7th at 8:00 PM EST

Click here to join!

Comments (5)

Eight Years in the Making

Dear MoonShade Gaming community, it is with immense pleasure and boundless excitement that I, Mewn, announce the long-awaited update: rp_westfield v1.5! After eight years of incredible adventures, we are about to embark on a fresh chapter in MoonShade Gaming history.

This map update includes a revamped layout with new places to live and explore. A tsunami has swept away the lower end of the beach, including 3 of the 4 mansions. The last remaining mansion has been relocated to the top of the map, making it a one-of-a-kind. We thank our mappers of old and new for undertaking the task of making this revision possible, check out the radar for the credits!

Join us on an exciting journey as we transition into CS2 by venturing into the revamped world of Westfield 1.5. This enhanced version of the map offers a fresh and darker layout, capturing the essence of the final days of CSGO. As we build upon this solid foundation, we eagerly look forward to porting the map for a smooth transition to CS2. So, come and join us in CSGO while you still can!

Attached are some Screenshots of Westfield v1.5

And here is the radar

See you in the server soon! Reopening on June 7th at 8:00 PM EST

Click here to join!

I'm super hyped personally

Absolutely the best way I could imagine seeing CS:GO off. I'm excited af; actually gonna need to get CS back for this one.

Holy smokes gents, I can only imagine what'll happen with CS2. This looks fantastic!

actually hype it's gonna be a while after csgo but the server has never looked so good all the new shits insane