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A Merry Map Change to Winterfans

Over the past couple of months we have been working on something special for the holiday season and most likely the rest of the winter. On the evening of Monday, the 23rd, the map will change to a brand new one called Winterfans. It's a snow-themed version of the classic map Mittelfans. Make sure you get on before then and sell your houses. On behalf of the MoonShade staff, we wish you a Merry Christmas!

Preview of the Map:

Click to reveal Click to hide

Comments (4)

Over the past couple of months we have been working on something special for the holiday season and most likely the rest of the winter. On the evening of Monday, the 23rd, the map will change to a brand new one called Winterfans. It's a snow-themed version of the classic map Mittelfans. Make sure you get on before then and sell your houses. On behalf of the MoonShade staff, we wish you a Merry Christmas!

Preview of the Map:

Click to reveal Click to hide

I hope to see everyone on for the map change!! :pinkheart: