As you already know, the economy has been reset on the RP server. This includes money, items, time, and cop. You need to reapply if you lost your cop. If you have donated, let us know so we can give VIP back to you.
In addition, Turtle will be taking over admin team. Because of myback's unavailability, I will be taking over development of the server. If you have any suggestions please direct them towards me in steam or on the suggestions on the forums.
Welcome to MoonShade Gaming
RP Server is Back in Business
Comments (8)
As you already know, the economy has been reset on the RP server. This includes money, items, time, and cop. You need to reapply if you lost your cop. If you have donated, let us know so we can give VIP back to you.
In addition, Turtle will be taking over admin team. Because of myback's unavailability, I will be taking over development of the server. If you have any suggestions please direct them towards me in steam or on the suggestions on the forums.
Yeah it just needs players now
have you been on it yet lol? literally tho consistent 10+ players
SPOOKY wrotehave you been on it yet lol? literally tho consistent 10+ players
Yeah theres 8 tops, average of 5 afk.
Joey Developer 4Head
CoalWorker wroteJoey Developer 4Head
Coalworker 5head =)
12 Sheckles A Meme wroteCoalworker 5head =)
No Coalworker weebhead
12 Sheckles A Meme wroteCoalworker 5head =)
No way is that sheckles
MrCrocker wroteNo way is that sheckles
No way is that the real Crocker