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Danger Zone

[font=verdana]Attention test subjects,

For those of you expecting an operation, you have been incarcerated for such crimes and will be immediately shipped off to our new testing site.

Earn your freedom by participating in the new Danger Zone program, at the cost of nothing, on the testing grounds known as Blacksite. You will be given a tablet, a medi-shot, and your bare fists to fend off other test subjects with. You are free to come along with one or two guinea pigs. As you explore the site, keep moving, or else the expanding Danger Zone will annihilate you for your lack of cooperation.

As rodents, you will be wearing jumpsuits and must select your deployment location. A helicopter will drop you down with some rope and you must fight the others in exchange for your survival. Search for weapons scattered across the site like breach charges, turrets, C4, hammers, wrenches, to eliminate the opposing subjects and survive.

Explore, check the ground, loot safes, and rescue hostages left on the island for some extra cash. Security drones will deliver your orders from the tablet in a matter of seconds. Find an upgrade for your tablet and you will be able to see others drones and receive faster deliveries.

Fight for your freedom to be back with your family by the time of the holidays. Christmas is coming.[/font]

Comments (6)

[font=verdana]Attention test subjects,

For those of you expecting an operation, you have been incarcerated for such crimes and will be immediately shipped off to our new testing site.

Earn your freedom by participating in the new Danger Zone program, at the cost of nothing, on the testing grounds known as Blacksite. You will be given a tablet, a medi-shot, and your bare fists to fend off other test subjects with. You are free to come along with one or two guinea pigs. As you explore the site, keep moving, or else the expanding Danger Zone will annihilate you for your lack of cooperation.

As rodents, you will be wearing jumpsuits and must select your deployment location. A helicopter will drop you down with some rope and you must fight the others in exchange for your survival. Search for weapons scattered across the site like breach charges, turrets, C4, hammers, wrenches, to eliminate the opposing subjects and survive.

Explore, check the ground, loot safes, and rescue hostages left on the island for some extra cash. Security drones will deliver your orders from the tablet in a matter of seconds. Find an upgrade for your tablet and you will be able to see others drones and receive faster deliveries.

Fight for your freedom to be back with your family by the time of the holidays. Christmas is coming.[/font]

Awesome! just one thing tho. My csgo won't work and I was wondering if anyone knew a way to fix my problem.
It crashes in 2 secs of being open.

Grubbsy wrote

Awesome! just one thing tho. My csgo won't work and I was wondering if anyone knew a way to fix my problem.
It crashes in 2 secs of being open.

verify game files or reinstall

Lemon I did all those things It's because I had an intel graphics card so that's why it wouldn't work. Valve has since then also fixed the problem. So everything is fine!