Sheckles Leaving what And why are you making lots of posts on red coins? Make one massive update thread 😃
Theorizing Ace, the Vintage of Sheckles wrote Leaving what And why are you making lots of posts on red coins? Make one massive update thread 😃 Leaving the server, this is the last thread.
Skittle I'm confused, are you leaving as in quitting the server, or leaving as in leaving for the night?
Theorizing Skittle wrote I'm confused, are you leaving as in quitting the server, or leaving as in leaving for the night? Quitting the server.
Sheckles Theorizing wrote Skittle wrote I'm confused, are you leaving as in quitting the server, or leaving as in leaving for the night? Quitting the server. Why
BOB1014564 Ace, the Vintage of Sheckles wrote GayW wrote Before you go CAN I GET A 1G/KAPPA123/FEELSBADMAN? I am going to murder you Knowing me I'd tell you "that's harassment" but I'm done.