I've noticed during my time on the server a while back that a lot lf these new players were always in debt in their bank accounts. I've also went out of my way, more than a couple times, to provide a couple of these players $5k-10k to help them get out of debt. Having said that, it doesn't seem that the economy seems to be fucked because the rich fuck with the poor, but rather because of the poor economical decisions a lot of new players make. When I asked numerous players why they have so little money, it comes down to their decision to buy a lot of weapons rather than invest in drugs and printers.
I'm alao not saying that all players spend all their money on weapons, but a lot do. An eco reset might seem like the solution, but the problem isn't that the rich fuck with the poor. The problem is that the foundation itself is not well-informed. A more viable solution would be to educate players on the value of focusing on making money, rather than spending $$$ on weapons to rdm. I don't believe that I excessively fucked with the poor. I honestly just get back at people who have it out for me. There's been a couple times when I would break locks in the 10k's and took an afk players printers and drugs, but I also went back out of my way to give the money back or give them a couple printers or drugs upon realizing that my actuons were uncalled for.