Date of discovery (DD/MM/YY): 19/1/16
What server did you find the glitch on? CS:GO RolePlay Server
What is the bug/glitch?I had recently gotten some #4 Crates so I bought a Crate key and wanted to open it. When it came to a screen where I was to select what Crate I'm opening I selected #4 becuase thats the Crate I had. I clicked on it and it said I did not have Crate #3.
Is it possible to replicate the bug/glitch? Yes if you have a Crate key and Crate #4 just click on the key and press 4 and you will have the same error.
Screenshots or recorded footage showing this: I don't have any screenshots or footage as it is easy to replicate but I can take screenshots or video if needed.
Other comments: I hope this bug gets fixed soon and it won't take too much effort to fix. Thanks for reading!!!