Your In-Game name: Void
Offenders In-Game name: Mr. Xpensive Crip
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13653071
What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server
What rules did the offender break? Using Lock breakers as a cop. ( I also told him it was not allowed multiple times) Although I am not a cop, ive read the rules because I have recently applied.
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:
Other Comments: there was also other rules broken but I wasn't the one to get proof for those, it was a friend of mine linx, I will be asking him to post those in a reply to this page, one other thing Mr. Xpensive Crip did: Using cop to safely transfer his friends money to the bank and then giving it back to them. I don't know if this is against the rules but it just seems unfair to me, I didn't get evidence of this happening but others might have. I hope that you will all view this fairly and be unbiased in the matter, this is all I have for now, and if anyone has other evidence against Crip I encourage you to post it here to further prove my point.