Before posting a "Report an Admin" thread, please read this following post as it will help you format your thread appropriately, so that it is clear and readable for us administrators to deal with.
Some important information to take into consideration:
Make sure that the rules the admin broke are still valid.
Have a good reason to report an admin, if the admin in fact made a small mistake, it doesn't mean you have to report them immediately, human error is a thing and no one is perfect so please talk to the admin before reporting them if you can.
Evidence is required and it will help us to ensure that proper punishment is carried out to the alleged offender.
Follow the format before submitting a report. Your report may not be looked at if it's not in the following format.
Your In-Game Name: ioN
Admins In-Game Name: Mewn
What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server
What rules did the admin break? The admin was constantly spamming the /slay command on me without my permission and due to this I have lost 20k in total in money.
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: Image:
Other comments: I still love you Mewn.
Click on [Select] down below to mark the whole code and then copy the format over into your thread.
Please type your answers after the tag [/b] for example: [.b]Question/Required Information:[/b] Answer
[b]Your In-Game name:[/b]
[b]Admins In-Game name:[/b]
[b]Admins Steam ID:[/b]
[b]What server did this happen on?[/b]
[b]What rules did the admin break?[/b]
[b]Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any[/b]
[b]Other comments:[/b]