LOL the lack of evidence on this report is overwhelming...
First of all, I have never rdm'ed as cop and his ss only has me killing him once and that's only because he was rdm'ing prior to that and decided to hide in his house to avoid arrest so I shot through the door and happened to kill him.
In regard to his other comments, the admins and anyone else can check and investigate all they want but I have never used "kickdoor" before and especially have never used it on Lapsha's house. Anyone can check console all they want, but I have never abused this power.
I do not cuff/uncuff people in my favor. I only cuff/uncuff civilians as I see fit as my duty as cop. In no way have I attempted to target Lapsha, I was just doing my job.
As for his willingness to file a report about COP abuse, immediately after he tells me he filed a report, he turns into cop and jails me with less than 1000 crime and sends me to jail. From there, he takes his time and uses the jail menu to send me to VIP jail for 600 seconds and comes in front of the cell, where he proceeds to troll me by just standing there. When I tell him that I have screenshotted this and was reporting him as well, he counters by saying that he "hadn't realized" that the jail menu was still open, which is completely absurd to me. (I will attach the screenshot to this reply; however, my computer is not cooperating with me atm so I have taken a picture with my phone, so forgive me if the quality is a little shitty.)
I have said all I have to say. I will leave the rest of this report to the admins. I know I am not the only one to have a problem with lapsha and I believe that the admins will take this into their own hands to resolve this issue to the best of their abilities. I stand by what I have said.