Your In-Game name: knifey
Offenders In-Game name: Cloud 9 | Crazy
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:54216557
What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server
What rules did the offender break? Searches me with 1100 crime takes 12k grams of drugs from me, i forgave him but than he rdm'd me as i approached him with my knife, claiming that i knifed him or attacked him he RDM'd me, ModeNN corrected him that i need to cause phisical damage in order for him to RDM me.
If he doesn't understand the rules and is informed further by other players than he shouldn't be eligable for Counter-Terrorist side.
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: I Dont have screen shots but what i do have is ModeNN and ChocoLoKs as proof.
Other Comments: This is the first time i met him, and already he disrespected a new player. I have been in this server for 2 weeks. 25 Hours.
Hopefully He is given the right punishment because if he is elgible to quickly take his anger out on someone doing nothing wrong, should not be eligable to the Counter-Terrorist Side.