Your In-Game name: ALOHA SNACKBAR!!!
Offenders In-Game name: ModéNN^; I Suck At CS:GO
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41944013; STEAM_0:0:50492401
What server did this happen on? CS:GO RolePlay Server
What rules did the offender break? /plant boost exploit
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: For some reason you cant take screenshots when your text box is open, and unfortunately this is all I have because text just disappears before you know it.
Other Comments: I was AFK for a while and came back around 1AM EST 7/27. I noticed that the two players were targeting AFK players in locked rooms by going directly under them and spamming /plant whilst boosting to glitch into the floor of the AFK player. The goal was to steal cactus plants and money printers and /stuck to get out. At one point ModéNN^ had just under $20,000 on hand in the casino that he had taken. I confronted them and pasted the exploit rule, and they just told me that they were sorry and had just figured it out and wont do it again...Modenn has about 30 hours so I took that with a grain of salt.