Nahz I got booked... Being charged for 5 years for possession. Im going to be held in placement for a month and then have to go to court. To all the kids out there drugs don't make you cool. This is naz's friend Porter writing this. Naz is being held in Philadelphia. This isnt a joke his life is ruined and what u do in the past always catches up to u. dont lie ever..
Skittle yeah i mean unless you were holding meth you cant be charged for 5 years in philadelphia shit dude even with meth its a 5,000 fine and a 1 year sentence, 2 offences 2 years, 3, 3 years. shits never going to be 5 years for holding shit
Skittle CoalWorker date=1516826383 wrote [size=x-large][member=588]Skittle[/member] Look at Joker's attachments in his post[/size] oh i guess im just mentally challenged my bad