Your In-Game name: n?v
Offenders In-Game name: Duck
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:135717394
What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server
What rules did the offender break? Abusing their powers of cop
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: No, but i will be recording from now on.
Other Comments: When i confront him about what he does he denys it, and this has happened more than a few times before with duck doing the same thing.
Basically what duck did, is while i was planting in a secret spot, duck switched over to cop, and since there is a radar, he looked around the radar until he knew he found me, he looked at the spot where i was, although he could not see me because i was not in visible sight, thats how i know that he was looking to steal my drugs, then he switched back over to t side scientist to get up to the spot i was at, at this point i ran away and had to pick my drugs up early before he got up. This had happened i think 2 times before, 1 other time before this today but i didnt see him switch over cop to find me, because there is a very low chance the first place he would look to find me, is where i was. When i confront him about it, he denies it. I know there is not much to do about this without any evidence, but i will be sure to be recording from now on, just like to inform some admins about this.