In-Game Name : CSRHunt
Steam Identification : STEAM_1:1:184368769
Age : 13 almost 14
Do you have a mic and are able to use it? I do have a mic and i am able to use it.
Days of the week you are able to play : Monday-Sunday depending on what is going on...
Current In-Game hours on our server : 35 hours currently
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth : United States Of America EST.
Rules you view as most important : no threats (i.e kys ddos etc.), Respect other players and Staff members. I want to make sure that little to no threats or made because some people may take those threats seriously and may or may not harm themselves.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I would like to be a cop so I can help the community grow and flourish. I believe the community is already good but I want to make it better and hopefully I will be able to if I become a cop. I believe you should pick me over other applicants because I am very positive and I have a kind attitude. About 3-4 days ago I entered this server and I fell in love with it. If I was picked as a cop I would love to make the community more positive and friendly.
This community is amazing and I wish to make it even better and that is why I believe I should be picked over other applicants. I cant wait to see how this community will turn out. I'm excited to make the community better and I hope you take my request into consideration... peace