BOT Light In-Game name:BOT Light Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:59756947 Age:14 Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it:yes i do and yes i am willing to use it Days of the week you are available to play:every day after 4:00 or 6:00 Eastern time Current Hours In-Game on our server:30 Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:Eastern time and Florida/U.S.A Rules you view as most important:i view Mass RDMing as most important rule because no one like Mass RDMing and new player that get Mass RDMed might not come back on to the server and the second rule i view most important is hacking/glitches and exploiting the server is a bad thing because it is not right and it ruins it for other players and new players and hacking and exploiting are just bad (No One Like a Hacker) Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?:i want to become a cop because i want to help the server out when there no cops on and some players are breaking the rule and help other cop on the server when there not meany cop and it too much to handy alone and i think you should look over other players Application and see what they put on there Application and look over mine because i'm the person they likes to help other people and i think i would help the server
CoalWorker Met the guy yesterday and he's friendly and nice to be around. You made your application correct the first time, and it's very supplemental. Hope you get coperino
MattSriel Bot light is so funny played an afternoon with him yesterday and already know he would be a dope ass cop, hope you get cop my dude.
PROTOTYPE461Y5K I gave him the tutorial and he seemed interested even at the tutorial. I knew that he would be around. He is friendly, non-toxic, and fun to play with. Hope he gets cop.