In-game name: 12 Sheckles A meme ( i change my name on occasion but here is my profile
Age: 15 😉
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52870707
ID 64: 6561198066007143
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it: I do have a mic, but i naturally have a high voice and i would rather not get judged for it 😛
Days of the week are you available to play: i try to play as much as i can but id say a minimum of 3 or 4 days a week
Hours In-game: 16 (Edit: 18) (Edit: 29)
Time Zone: Eastern USA Timezone
Experience: ive seen how the cops play and what they do and learned alot from some of the other cops, ive helped some new players out getting money and the basics of the game, ive helped some friends start out a gmod server and efficiently moderate it, that server has been long shut down but ive had some experience from this. ( i have grade 9/10 experience as a stripper courtesy from myback. 😛 )
Rules you view as most important: "If you have a problem with your punishement, bring this up to the council/superiors, do not confront the punisher directly, this may result in more Justified punishments." I choose this as ive seen lately many people complaing about their sentence time or why they have been jailed. I do hope that i can clarify why people
Why we should pick you over the applicants: Well i have talked with Biscuitt and asked him what he does as a cop and i am intrigued, just laying down the law seems like a good idea to me. sure i may be young and not know much in the world but i do know how to treat people equally. i naturally enjoy helping people, it makes me happy to know someone else is happy. i hope that i can continue to help people out. im a pretty friendly person myself.