In-Game name: Jay
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75476370
Age: 14
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes, i'm willing to use it whenever it is needed
Days of the week you are available to play: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and most Sundays (liable to change due to school)
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 47
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Gmt +1 (London), London, England
Rules you view as most important: I believe the rules that are most important are no racism, no abuse and no mass rdm, 1 because it is an awful thing to experience racism, i know, i've had a few encounter with racist people in my life, 2 becuase i know people hate it when admins or cops abuse there job and they can't do anything about it, 3 because everyone hates mass rdmers, especially me because they just kill everyone in sight for no apparent reason
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I want to be a cop because i feel like i can help the community with their problems and help get rid of mass rdmers.
Why are you re-applying for cop : I want to make ammends for the mistakes i've made before, i couldn't control myself i become too immersed in the roleplay that i just started doing things, i know somethings i've done i should just be banned from the server, but i would really like to fix all the hurt i've caused to people and the annoyances too, because if anyone is willing to give me a second chance, i promise to become a better cop and not do all the things i've done in my current experiences as a cop, i promise that i will not A) uncuff other's cuffs. B) Revenge kill. C) Rdm people. i promise that if i get a second chance, i will be a way better cop than before, so please give me another chance, i love this server and could never give it up, no matter what happens