First Off I dont know where to put this but deadpool said appeals and this was the only appeal i could find. Deadpool can also contest to the fact that biscuitt was unfair to not mute the other ppl involved.
In-game name: ZooM
Server you were banned on: I was perm muted on rp server
Who banned you: Biscuitt
Reason for ban: After biscuitt said stfu n****** i asked him since when is it ok to say the n word so he warned me. Then after wards me coal worker? and dank meme were singing legit 5 words and we got warned so we stopped immediately. Right after we all stopped i got perm muted.
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:116770525
Reason you think you should be unbanned: First off the other two ppl received no punishment. Second last night this gabe guy said the n word 2 times and earth was on. How the fuck is he not perm muted. That is complete favoritism and bullshit. Earth heard him loud and clear and did nothing. Shocker.
Evidence to support claim (if any): Biscuitt also told me to stfu and that he fucking hates me in ts and in game. Here is a ss of him saying this in game but sadly i dont have on from the ts exchange.