In-Game name: ZRB14
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:33020438
Age: 15
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do have a microphone and I frequantly use it to engage with other members of the community.
Days of the week you are available to play: I am able to play every day for at least 3 hours
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 30
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Eastern Time (EST) - United States
Rules you view as most important: Respecting all players. I hate when people trash talk and try to bully people on the internet. It gets annoying and shows a level of immaturity. Another rule i view as important is RDM'ing. I believe that if someone kills you when you have drugs or money on you that it is fine to get revenge and retrieve your stuff. However if they have already deposited it and don' thave it on there person anymore than you should'nt be allowed to kill them. If someone RDM's they should be punished which is the rule and I support it 100%.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I would like to become a cop on the Moonshade RP Server because I want to help the comminity out as much as possible. If someone is RDM'ing or being a ass i want to be able to punish the player and make the victim feel happy and return whatever he lost and make there experience better. Giving me cop would make the server so much better. Farming drugs and selling them is fun but it gets boring after a while let me tell ya. Being cop would make my experience on this server so much better and would encourage me to have many more hours on the server and to love every moment of it. I believe I would make a great cop and would like the chance to prove that. Thanks for considering my Cop Application. Have a nice day. -- Zach (ZRB14)