In-game name: Bot Penis
Age: 14
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:92574566
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it: i have a mic but i dont like to talk -_-
Days of the week are you available to play: everyday {no live} after school
Hours In-game: 32
Time Zone: central
Experience: none :{
Rules you view as most important: RDMing because you are just killing everyone for no reason... new poeple when the new people join and get killed they rage quit. and you can get vip jailed i hate vip jail :}
Why we should pick you over the applicants: well because every other cop is shit and cant do anything <3 and im pretty chill i don't rage like some people i wont say names i can give tours of the map but i might not be good at that