In-game name: Jakey the corgieh wolf
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:5578414
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it: No and no... (A bit like Myback but he's a admin/cop so.... :S)
Days of the week are you available to play: All 7 days if available (Also I can stay up late on weekends mostly)
Hours In-game: 22
Time Zone: GMT (UK)
Experience: I've had experience on HL2DM cop on syles and freeman's server as well as a respected one being the rank at officer having no problems with my non-mic communication, as well as i have 1000 hours and over on HL2DM and the majority was rp.
Rules you view as most important: I personally think rdm and abuse is a big part, i have seen over my experience quite a lot of cop and admin abuse and especially player favoritism... I would report anything that would catch my eye or would be suspicious in any way
Why we should pick you over the applicants: I have rather a lot of a experience with roleplay and the understanding of it however even though I do not have a mic this shouldn't arise too many problems, I would like to play my part in the rp always assisting and helping new players. I assure you I will follow the rules and i thank you for reading this.
Yours sincerely Lone Wolf
Wow, this is so fucking bland isnt it XD