Your In-Game name:Doge
Admins In-Game name:Joker [AFK]
Admins Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:140652077
What server did this happen on?RP
What rules did the admin break?Disrespecting, Cop Favoritsm...
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any <-- Disrespect <-- Saying he was going to mute me after reminding him of rules. <-- Saying reason he full jailed me was "I don't like you"
These following screenshots I am about to show you I am not 100% sure as I didn't witness it but from what it looks like he kickdoored me and then lied. <-- My Current Locks <-- Him saying someone doorhacked it when it had 21 locks. <-- Me asking him how he cuffed me
I already sent all of this to sheckles via teamspeak.. (Same Screenshots.)
3:30 PM - Shiba: After I told him cop favoritism was against the rules
3:30 PM - Shiba: ^^
3:30 PM - Shiba:
3:31 PM - Shiba: After I asked why he full jailed me but nobody else.
3:31 PM - Shiba: ^^
3:31 PM - Shiba:
3:31 PM - Shiba: Him sending me to jail
3:31 PM - Shiba: ^^
3:32 PM - Shiba: thats it
Other comments:I decided not to report him yesterday because I had some pitty for him. Today though after a whole day of disrespect I decided, screw it.
I have already made a report on him of him slaying me for taking his drugs...