In-Game name: GusTTShowBiz
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81902023
Age: 15
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do. I use my microphone often and enjoy talking to other people with it.
Days of the week you are available to play: I am not in school right now, and this is my favorite server. I am on most days and plan to be on even more. I will probably be on at least 4 hours a day, sometimes more than 8 depending on if it's a weekend or not.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 89
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: US Central + Texas
Rules you view as most important: In my opinion all of the rules make sense and I agree with them. That being said there are some more important than others. The one I view as most important is no hacking or use of external clients. It makes the player of the server miserable and just not fun. No scamming and use of other accounts is important too. Just like hacking, scamming makes the game enjoyable. And while mass RDMing is not a rule, I hate it very much and, would work to stop most of it.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I love playing on this server. In the two weeks I have had it I have put almost 4 days worth of hours into it. I feel like being cop is a part of the server and how fun it can be. That being said I do not want to be a cop just for fun. Like I said earlier I hate mass RDMing, I would like to see the new players not killing every person they see as soon as they join. I enjoy this server and want to support it and make it fun for everyone else. I believe being a cop and enforcing some of the rules is a good way to do this.