In-Game Name: MCbest_Miker
Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:20129661
Age: 16
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? I intend to interact with others alot and friendly.On a side note i appoligized for the stuff i did and i just wanted to spice things up sry.
Days of the week you are available to play: Every Single Day Around 3pm to 6pm.On weekends alot more than 3hrs a day.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 44
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
On Gmod i intend to play alot of DarkRP and i got in trouble for doing stuff i wasnt suppose to do but now i understand what to do and follow rules.
Rules you view as most important:
Abuse is very important on what not to do to others.It is very important as a cop to just keep arresting them and killing them.I wouldnt abuse my powers against any other players.The corruption of this server would be devastating why because of the power that has been given to us to restrain others has gone overboard.I will follow the rules from now on and used it according to the rules given.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
I really want to see this server grow and to have many people to interact with and do fun stuff but most of all see it improve. This is what i want to see in all servers.
this server shall be welcoming and to help other on how to start off. I will do my best to send this community into the right path of growing no matter what situation. In my power i see to that this community does not fall apart.